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My Resume


This website was created in order to provide you the reader with nothing but the FINEST services a GOOD Author, Blogger, Editor, Freelance Writer, Proofreader and Translator like me can ONLY offer YOU.When it comes to GREAT writing and storytelling I'm SIMPLY one of the BEST! It gives me pure JOY and PLEASURE just knowing that ALL my works can become potential BESTSELLERS!

In 1989 I had taken a Workshop on Writing and Authoring a book and I learned how to create a Manuscript and to write and publish "Top Notch" well written stories in order to EXCEL and flourish as the very FINE Author that I am TODAY! I still remember when I first wrote and publsihed my FIRST book: Memorias Secretas de un Ex-Don Juan (The Secret Memoirs of an Ex-Don Juan) in 1997.

I sincerely hope that I can provide you with NOTHING BUT THE BESTService and literary work you desire!


Ernest J. Giro


“A writer should be joyous, an optimist . . . anything that implies rejection of life is

wrong for a writer.”


- George Gribbin​



Radio Show Host/Podcaster/Author

​I'm a preacher and ordained minister who besides being a published Author and Writer is also a Radio Show Host and Podcaster at and at


Editor In Chief/Newsletter Publisher

​I was the "Editor In Chief" of my own monthly Newsletter: La Simple Verdad (The Simple Truth)which I published for FREE and distributed around the city of Quito, Ecuador.


Assistant Editor

​I was the "Assistant Editor" for All In Communications Magazine. My duties were to Edit, proofread and publish this most prestigious and INCREDIBLE publication.



Ambassador College

I graduated from Ambassador College in the field of Oratory and Public Speaking in 1988. I also got my Associates of Arts Degree here as well in the field of "International Analyst" and "Research Expert". I only completed two years of College.

Here are more upcoming Book Projects:

I'm very excited to share with you some of my upcoming book projects and manuscripts I'm curently writing. They are:

  1. THE POWERS THAT BE! The Control of the JESUITS in the World

  2. The Way of Peace They Know NOT!


  4. Life in THE LAST DAYS!

  5. NOT BY BREAD ALONE! How To Live By Every Word of GOD

  6. The Knowledge of GOOD and EVIL

  7. The Sons of God: WHO ARE THEY?

  8. The SUPERPOWERS of the TRUE Children of God

  9. In The LIGHT of Prophecy: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Bible

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